Forschung und neues Wissen

Øhavsmuseet focuses on two central areas of work: the formation and cultural history of the landscape as well as urban history with law and punishment as a focal point. Both areas also form the framework for the museum’s self-appointed research activities and are generally covered by several disciplines. Research work is handled by the museum’s academic staff with degrees in history, archeology, ethnology, and knowledge dissemination.

Research projects, which stem from the museum’s responsibility in accordance with the Museums Act, will also form part of our work. Øhavsmuseet is liable to preserve and advise on cultural history from ancient times to the present. Some research projects are carried out in more or less formalized collaborations with other museums and with Danish and international universities.



Follow the work of our researchers on
MA, archeologist Anne Garhøj Rosenberg
MSc in Information technology, archeologist Nicolai Garhøj Larsen
MA, director Peter Thor Andersen
MA, historian Tissel Lund-Jacobsen



Head of Research, Øhavsmuseet, archeologist: Anne Garhøj Rosenberg.